Auction HIP #13
Bryan Mahoney
Consignor Bio
- Kid Horse - Started
- Ranch Horse - Finished
- Parade Horse - Finished
- Trail - Finished
- Mounted Shooting - Prospect
Sex: |
Mare Mule |
Color: |
Brown |
Height: |
15 |
Weight: |
1100 |
Age in Years: |
11 |
There’s a saying Life’s A Journey, well this is the mule to experience it with! Journey is great on the trail, fun In the arena and an asset on the ranch. Truly one of a kind! Gentle, TALENTED, friendly and most importantly SAFE. She is willing to do whatever you ask of her. She has a solid foundation of ground work, arena riding and is like a mountain goat in the trail. She will flex, move off leg pressure, pick up her shoulders and is light and responsive. She is very SOFT with lots of feel while riding or doing ground work. She rides in everything from a D-ring snaffle to a curb bit, halter, neck rope, and even guides by lightly asking with your fingertips on her neck. Journey is a SOLID trail horse. She doesn’t get in a hurry, she goes up, down, over and through whatever you point her at. On steep hills she is like a 4-wheeler. No rush in rough areas and knows how to pick her way through big rocks and over downed trees, through slippery creeks, and is definitely SUREFOOTED. Always CONFIDENT and self assured when others come and go. She’s happy to lead or follow in a group and unfazed riding out by herself. In the arena she walks quietly, has a smooth trot, easily extends if you want to cover big country, and steps right up into a balanced, smooth collected lope all on a loose draped rein. She has excellent transitions between gaits, is responsive to both leg or hand cues and will stop, back and side pass willingly. We’ve had a lot of fun riding her BAREBACK and BRIDLELESS too. Journey stands perfectly to mount and willingly moves over to a stump, tailgate or anything you find to make it easy for you to get on. She is so SMOOTH and comfortable you will never want to stop. On the ranch we’ve moved cattle, and played around roping the dummy. We’ve drug logs, barrels, pulled hay carts, and used her to pony horses and mules. She is good with dogs, water, guns, bridges, machinery, traffic, tarps, flags, wildlife, umbrellas, bull whips and much much more. Journey gets along with others out in the pasture and is always easy to catch. She stands perfect to saddle, bridle and mount, and is good for the farrier. She hops right in the trailer and hauls great. She’s good to wash and will stand quietly tied all day. Journey knows some fun tricks too. She lays down, sits up and even smiles.
If you’re a beginner she’ll take care of you, if you’re experienced, the sky’s the limit on the adventures you can have and the bond you can build with her. Journey is a SPECIAL and FUN mule. We are thankful to have had her in our program for everyone in our family to have ridden and enjoyed. She’s WILLING, SMART, GENTLE, WELL TRAINED , CONTROLLABLE and BUILT TO LAST!
Journey is a mule for the whole family to enjoy for a lifetime of Happy Trails. FMI Bryan 406-839-4224